What Are the Common Causes & Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

What Are the Common Causes & Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

Are you struggling with dry, itchy, and irritated eyes? Have you tried using over-the-counter eye drops and found no relief? You might be dealing with dry eyes. Whether you experience occasional dryness or it’s a chronic issue for you, understanding the common...
The Link Between Menopause and Dry Eye

The Link Between Menopause and Dry Eye

Menopause is a natural process that all women go through, but it can come with a host of uncomfortable symptoms. While menopause brings about many changes in the body, such as mood swings and night sweats, one common but often overlooked symptom is dry eye. This...
How to Treat Dry Eyes

How to Treat Dry Eyes

Are your eyes constantly dry and irritated? Does it feel like you have grit or sand in your eyes? If this sounds like you, you might have dry eye syndrome. Many people suffer from this condition, and it’s more than an inconvenience. If left untreated, severe cases of...
Are Having Dry Mouth and Having Dry Eyes Related?

Are Having Dry Mouth and Having Dry Eyes Related?

Do you ever have dry eye and dry mouth at the same time? It can be frustrating to deal with these symptoms, but did you know that they may be related? In this blog post, we’ll explore the link between dry mouth and dry eye as well as some potential causes and...
What Causes Gritty Eyes & How to Treat Them

What Causes Gritty Eyes & How to Treat Them

Do you ever feel like something is stuck in your eye? Do your eyes feel scratchy or gritty? It could be a sign of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome happens when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or when tears evaporate too quickly. If left untreated, dry eye...